

  • Design study for the expansion of the aquatic sports venue named AMADEUS, Porto Azzurro (Elba Island).
  • Preliminary design for the upgrading of the indoor sports venue named SporTER, Rome
  • Rehabilitation and innovation of the Malaspina Sporting Plant in Peschiera Borromeo for David Lloyd Leisure Limited


  • Proposal for the designing, realisation and operation of a multi‐sports venue, Mestre (Venice)
  • Preliminary design for the upgrading of a sports venue, Fumane (Verona)


  • A design study for the reconversion of an incomplete Olympic sports facility conceived for playing bowls into a sports facility including indoor swimming-pools and outdoor lagoon-shaped pools, gymnasiums and fast food, Rivoli (TURIN)
  • A design study for the extension of Santini public swimming-pool in Verona
  • A design study for the refurbishment and extension of the water sport facility in Nizza Monferrato (AL)
  • Preliminary design (provisional award) for implementing an indoor sports venue with outdoor aquatic facility, Comacchio.


  • Project for a multi-purpose sports facility equipped with indoor and outdoor swimming-pools in Settimo Torinese (TURIN)
  • Upgrading and completion of the sports facility Palazzo dello Sport in San Giovanni Lupatoto (VR) –
  • Construction project of a “huge” residential building with sports facility equipped with indoor swimming-pools, Spa and gymnasiums, besides an underground multi-storey parking in Turin – Via Issiglio (Nuova Università)


  • Preliminary study of a water sports facility in Zevio (VR)
  • Preliminary study of an indoor water sports facility at Porto Empedocle (Agrigento)
  • 2012
  • Requalification project and upgrading of the water sports facility in Desenzano del Garda (BS)
  • Participation to the international competition for the upgrading of the Vigorelli/Maspes cycling track in MIlan
  • Requalification project for the upgrading of the water sports facility in Solbiate Olona (VA)
  • Approval of the “Disco Solare” project, in the municipality of Gela (Caltanissetta) Sicily.


  • Preliminary project for adjustments to be carried out on the public swimming-pools in the municipality of Pieve Emanuele (MI)
  • Winner of a tender called for refurbishment and extension of the swimming facility in Monza
  • Winner of the tender called for the water sports facility in Brugherio (MB)
  • Preliminary project for the water sports facility in Melegnano (MI).
  • Reconversion project of buildings, in the so-called journalist neighborhood in Milan


  • Final project “Maximo” 2
  • Project to design a sports facility aiming at promoting dance, music and entertainment activities – CSR Via Della Bufalotta (RM)
  • Preliminary project involving swimming-pools in Arzignano municipality (VI)
  • Project supervision and artistic management in Rome – Via della Balduina – of a wellness and sports facility…
  • A design study of the municipalities of Montesilvano (PE) and Cappelle sul Tavo (PE) for the upgrading of a sports and cultural complex.
  • Design supervision of “Kennedy” sports facility in Milan – tennis-courts – gymnasiums – baseball with Ceg Group


  • Winner of the competition for the design of a water multi-purpose sports center in Turin – Chieri.
  • Final design of the big tourist resort and sporting facility in Monteroduni (IS) – “San Nazzaro” Oasis
  • Preliminary design in Adro (BS) Franciacorta: of a huge sports and cultural complex
  • Final and executive design in Altopascio (LU), of a multi-purpose water park
  • Responsible for the design and artistic management of a TUI tour operator holiday resort in Pizzo Calabro (CZ)
  • Second stage of the preliminary design of the Green Dot Quality in Rome – Via Di Casalboccone –
  • Final project in Camisano Vicentino (VI) of a sports Citadel
  • Preliminary design for the renovation work to be carried out on stands and lighting, Barletta (BT) Stadium


  • Final design of the sports facility in Montaquila (IS) equipped with water park, gymnasiums, wellness center
  • Preliminary design of a sports facility (football, gymnasiums, swimming pools, restaurant) in Milan – via Muggiano
  • Preliminary design of a multi-purpose sports facility and swimming complex in Altopascio (LU)
  • He is directly involved in the final design team for the swimming and wellness stadium of Macerata
  • Preliminary design of the swimming complex in Gela (CL)


  • Team work with Arch. Montanari for the design of the sports stadium in the municipality of Cantù (Como) – Eleka company


  • Re-organization and upgrading of the multi-functional sports center in Carmagnola (TURIN)


  • Preliminary design of a multi-purpose sports facility equipped with swimming pools, 5-a-side football field, a volley-basket field in Passignano (PG).
  • Feasibility study for the requalification of the Fair sports center in Morbegno (SO) into a sports facility.
  • Proposal for the design, construction and management of the public multi-purpose sports facility in the municipality of Camisano Vicentino (VI)


  • Design project for the extension of the wellness area in the public swimming pool of Caluso (TO)
  • Design of the water-fun park in Porto Azzurro, Elba island (LI)
  • Enlargement of the wellness center and of the gymnasium in Riva Valdobbia (VC)
  • Design of a multi-purpose sports center equipped with outdoor swimming pool, lagoon-shaped pool, gymnasiums, restaurant, Rovetta (BG)
  • Building project of the municipal stadium of the Perugia football team referred to as: Stadio Sicuro, Perugia (PG)
  • Design for the enlargement of the public swimming facility in Mortara (PV)
  • Design of a multi-purpose sports center equipped with an outdoor swimming pool, lagoon, gymnasiums and restaurant in Lainate (MI)
  • Design of a multi-purpose sports center equipped with an outdoor swimming pool, lagoon, gymnasiums and restaurant in Lamezia Terme (CZ)


  • Design and works supervision of a sports facility conceived for rehabilitation and leisure purposes next to the seaplane base in Peschiera Borromeo (MI)
  • Design of a water fun sports and cultural facility equipped with a theater in Andora (SV).
  • Design of an open-air lagoon-shaped pool, reception, wellness area, restaurant, locker rooms, in Spino D’Adda (CR).
  • Design of an indoor swimming complex, Villa Guardia (CO) – in team with Arch. Viganò
  • Design of an indoor swimming complex, Stezzano (BG) – in team with Arch. Viganò
  • Design of a multi-purpose sports facility and water fun park, Calco (LC)
  • Design of a multi-purpose sports facility equipped with football fields, swimming and thermal pools, Cologno al Serio (BG) – in team with Arch. Viganò
  • Design of a multi-purpose sports facility and water fun park, Cesano Boscone (MI)
  • Design of a lagoon-shaped swimming pool, wellness area, gymnasiums, football field in synthetic ground and 5-a-side football field, Montegalda (VI)
  • Design of an outdoor lagoon-shaped swimming pool, gymnasiums, indoor wellness center, Rio Marina (LI)
  • Design consultancy with regards to thermal indoor swimming pools and wellness center on warm groundwater, Goito (MN)


  • Design for a city of sports in, Olsztyn (Poland)
  • Design for enlargement of an indoor swimming pool equipped with a wellness center, Morbegno (SO)
  • Design for enlargement of an indoor swimming pool, gymnasium and new wellness areas, Vigevano (PV)
  • Preliminary design for the enlargement of an indoor swimming pool, several open-air areas equipped with small lagoon-shaped pools, Lacugnana-Perugia
  • Design of both a lagoon-shaped pool and a swimming-pool, 5-a-side football fields, a management center in Siena, owned by the municipality


  • Design of an indoor lagoon-shaped swimming-pool, wellness centre, gymnasiums, an outdoor “small water-fun park “, 5-a-side football field, in San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) owned by the Municipality
  • Design of swimming-pools, wellness areas, gymnasiums, services, small water-fun park, 7-a-side football fields, 5-a-side football fields, in Cremella (LC)
  • Design of an indoor lagoon-shaped swimming-pool, 5 pools, gymnasium Broni (PV)
  • Renovation works of an outdoor swimming-pool and services in Stradella (PV)
  • Restoration of an existing facility in Pavia, with enlargement and implementation of a new recreational and water-fun area, previously realized by Architect Nervi Jr. Pavia
  • Preliminary design of swimming-pools, wellness center, gymnasiums, services, small outdoor water-fun park, 7-a-side football fields, 5-a-side football fields, in Giussano (MI).
  • Design of a sports campus at the University of Tor Vergata: with a sports stadium/auditorium/theatre, gymnasiums, reception, bar, restaurants, indoor swimming-pools, wellness center, open-air Olympic swimming-pool with stands, outdoor water-fun park, football field and basketball court with synthetic ground – Rome
  • Design together with Edil&Acciaio Srl for the football pitch of Dinamo Kiev football field (Ukraine)


  • Project design of a private outdoor swimming-pool facility, indoor pools, fitness halls, 5-a-side football fields, basketball and volley-ball courts, tennis courts, sport fishing, in Belgioioso (PV)
  • Project assignment involving the requalification of a public water-fun park and a multi-purpose sports center in Piacenza “nearby the stadium”
  • Structural design of a sports facility composed of: a multi-purpose sports stadium, indoor swimming-pools, three gymnasiums, services and offices owned by the municipality of Pavia – Via Acerbi
  • Consultancy activities related to multi-purpose sports facilities design, especially to water sports facilities in Nibionno (Lc), Oggiono (Lc), Casnigo (Bg).


  • Responsible for the preliminary design for the renovation works of the public swimming-pools in Ferrera Erbognone (PV)
  • Responsible for the preliminary design for the renovation works of the indoor competitive swimming-pool involving the enlargement and the completion of a new indoor swimming-pool in Mortara (PV)


  • Design of an indoor Olympic size public swimming-pool free of charge and n° 2 gymnasiums with annexed services in Casteggio (PV)


  • Design of a private swimming-facility in Pometo (PV)


  • Requalification of a Liberty-style theatre building (with a spectacular dome and a stained glass skylight) in Pavia, with indoor changes transforming the building into a multi-purpose sports facility: Shadow Sport Center Pavia


  • Renovation works of the “Motor Boating association in Pavia” (services-swimming-pool).


  • Public multi-purpose sports center with a 5-a-side competitive football field also used for entertainment purposes in Ferla (SR).


  • Multi-purpose sports center with stadium, Olympic swimming-pool, ice-rink etc. “Stella Olimpica” Cava Manara (PV).


  • Public multi-purpose sports center with competitive swimming facilities in Carlentini (SR).


  • Restoration of the secret cells of an ancient convent, later a medieval fortification in Pavia, changing the use of the building converting it into a gymnasium (weight-lifting, Judo, fitness training, etc.): called “Antica Torre”


  • Recovery and enhancing for port purposes of the former Tobacco Monopoly complex at the Salts Pier, Building G, Venice Port Authority.
  • Participation to an integrated Tender for the executive design of interventions aimed at enhancing and upgrading the monumental complex of the Saint Clara Monastery in Pavia, for the realisation of a cultural, commercial and service pole. Restoration of the south‐western church and partial recovery of its southern wing, restoration of the internal cloister facades.
  • Design for the upgrading of the Nason glassworks factory complex, Murano, Venice


  • Feasibility study for the functional upgrading of the former Rome Customs area
  • Renovation of private house in the historic centre of Pavia


  • Restructuring and restoration work of a building in Pavia, in the neighborhood of the former “Mezzabarba Park”, from a professional studio into a detached house.


  • Restoration work in Villa Garovaglio Park in Ricci Loveno (CO)
  • Restoration of the wet dock on Como Lake – Menaggio. Task entrusted by the German Federal Government


  • Restoration of Villa Mylius Vigoni – Loveno (CO) – Task entrusted by the German Federal Government


  • Hotel Villa Flori (CO): Design of a wellness center and SPA equipped with an indoor lagoon-shaped swimming pool


  • Restoration work of the damaged façades, cellars and ceilings of S. Alessio Castle and its Tower


  • Restoration work on “Palazzo Meda Riquier” in Pavia
  • Restoration of the building and roof-space refurbishment, Pavia


  • Restoration and building improvement scheme of “Villa Flavia” in Pavia
  • Conservative restoration and renovation of the building


  • Restoration of a nineteenth century villa in Genoa
  • Restoration of an industrial warehouse called Albert Einstein


  • Restoration of Villa “ Lurani – Cernuschi “ in Cernusco Lombardone (LC).
  • Restoration of the Bishop’s Palace in Pavia
  • Restoration of the “secret cells” of the “ Casa Rossa “ (Palazzo de’ Diversi) in Pavia


  • Recovery intervention of the big zoo-technical facility in Basiasco (LO).
  • Preliminary design for the restoration of a building in Linarolo (PV), a residential Villa called “Castello di Linarolo”
  • Structural renovation works of a building forming part of a residential complex called “Cascina Torriggio “ in Rozzano (MI)
  • Restructuring work of a private building in Germany, Black Forest, in the municipality of Lahr/Schwarzwald


  • Building in Pavia: the towers of the Bishop’s Palace in Pavia
  • Renovation works of a building residential unit in Via Stazione di S. Pietro, Rome.
  • Restoration and conservation work in Asolo (TV)


  • Restoration and conservation work of an historic building in Cavenago d’Adda (Lodi)


  • The tower house in Pavia
  • Restoration and structural renewal of the building body of a part of a monastery in Basiasco ( Lodi)
  • Restoration of a liberty-style building – Bardelli restaurant in Pavia
  • Technical and artistic advice for restoration work in the Cathedral – Duomo of Pavia
  • Restoration of Hotel Astoria in Genoa
  • Restoration project, static consolidation, renovation works and functional re-use of the Bishop’s Palace in Pavia


  • Upgrading of an independent building in Pavia


  • Restructuring work of a building in Pavia


  • Restoration of a fortified medieval building with annexed medieval tower in Pavia


  • Restoration of an eighteenth-century palace in Montecalvo Versiggia


  • Consolidation intervention on Palazzo Marchesi GARGALLO di Castellentini – P.zza Archimede (Siracusa)


  • Entrusted with the restoration of Palazzo de’ Diversi in Pavia – Vicolo del Torrione –


  • Conservative restoration work of a building in Pavia


  • Restoration work of a private home in Pavia


  • Structural restoration of a private home in Pavia.
  • Restoration work of a private home in Pavia


  • Restoration of a building in Pavia


  • Design for the construction of an indoor recreational swimming pool and spa


  • Private Villa in Pavia, in the Ticino Park
  • New private building of villas in Pavia


  • Villa in S.Alberto di Butrio (PV), restyling of a 1970’s villa of Giò Pomodoro


  • Private villa in Elba Island


  • Private villa in the province of Milan


  • Private villa in Torre d’Isola (PV), in the Ticino Park


  • Private villa in Mezzano Siccomario (Travacò Sicc.- PV)


  • Private villa in Sommo Lomellina (PV)


  • Private villa “La Stella padana” in Mezzanino (PV)


  • Private villa, in Belvedere “La Villa negli ulivi”, Siracusa


  • Private villa, in Fontane Bianche, Siracusa


  • Variance design of a “Shelter Home” for the Padre Pio Disciples Association, Drapia (Vibo Valentia)


  • Design study for residential towers in Doha (Qatar)


  • Design and construction of a new heating Unit and re-surfacing of the courtyard at ”Benedetta Cambiagio”, Pavia
  • Restoration project concerning the kitchen, and laundry spaces at – Lega del Bene, Pavia


  • Refurbishment project of another portion of the family-home, “Benedetta Cambiagio“, Pavia


  • Raising of a building body at the “Lega del Bene” PV


  • Upgrading works of another portion of the family-home called “Benedetta Cambiagio”, Pavia


  • Refurbishment project of the theater and canteen of the American School Opera (MI)


  • Construction project of a new community shelter for minors of the “ Casa del Giovane” (rooms, theater, auditorium with 500 seats, gymnasiums, classrooms, canteens etc.) in Pavia Via Lomonaco


  • Upgrading of the childcare facility intended to house homeless children – Lega del Bene in Pavia


  • Up-grading of a building complex called “Casa Madre” for the male community Casa del Giovane in Pavia.


  • Female community for the “Casa del Giovane”, upgrading of a liberty-style residence with partial enlargement and reconversion of the building in Viale Golgi Pavia


  • Participation to the Tender for “Structural and plant adjustments, aimed at a hospital rationalisation for integrating the new DEA (Department of Emergency and Acute Phases)”, IRCCS Foundation, San Matteo Hospital, Pavia.


  • Design study for an hospital in Machačkala, Daghestan


  • Qualification for the International competition called for the restoration and introduction within the historical university premises of POLICLINICO FORLANINI, in PAVIA, of a new UNIVERSITY CAMPUS


  • Military hospital in Abidjan (Ivory Coast)


  • Veterinary hospital in Genoa


  • Specialist Health center in Pavia


  • Health center in San Martino Siccomario (PV)


  • Dental practice in San Martino Siccomario (PV)


  • Dental practice in Pavia


  • Dental practice in Pavia


  • Preliminary design for an eco‐sustainable skyscraper in Milan.


  • Design study concerning the expansion of a Cairo city-district, co-housing and bound construction
  • Project Financing participation for the implementation of a “Multi‐storey garage and related works“ for the Venice Port Authority.


  • Project for the upgrade and works supervision of a residential complex in Bordighera (SV): a villa and a multi-residential building
  • Construction project of a “huge” residential building with sports facility equipped with indoor swimming-pools, Spa and gymnasiums, as well as an underground multi-storey parking in Turin – Via Issiglio (Nuova Università)
  • Design study of a Theme Park with leisure and amusement purposes in Shao-Shan People’s Republic of China


  • Participation within a design research team to a “project aiming at implementing a “huge infrastructural network” in Abu Dabi.


  • Preliminary project of a tourist resort and cultural facility in Monterotondo/Capelle sul Tavo (PE)


  • Design of a tourist and cultural resort facility in Pizzo Calabro (CZ) owned by TUI tour operator


  • Design of a car showroom for a “vip single brand” car dealer called Altauto in Pavia – Via dei Mille.
  • Construction of a building equipped with garages and areas of common use, on the site of an old toll check point (ex-Dazio) – (PV)


  • Building in Via Mosca – Milan –
  • Construction of the “Pyramid technology building” designed for “Ondavision” and related to the 2001 competition.


  • Winner of a competition on ideas for the implementation of a building intended to be the headquarters and production site of “Ondavision“, world leader in the field of signage and advertising